Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Subjective And Objective Claims

The subjective claims can be view as a point of view or opinion that someone has for a topic. The claim can be based on sensation, feeling, opinion, or even beliefs. For example, when the proposition 8 was on the ballet two or three years ago. My friend and I had an argument of whether or not it is the right things to do. In my point of view, I think that by giving the right to the homosexual couples is the right thing to do and it is the best solution. Although the Constitution have stated that everyone has equal rights, it still cannot be proven that by giving the homosexual couples the right of marriage is the "best solution." However, making an objective claim is different from the subjective claim. Objective claims are usually involve with true or fault and can be proven by more support or the counter argument. For example, many people claim that there are nine planets in the solar system. This objective claim can be proven as a fault claim due  to the new definition of the word planet; Pluto is no longer consider as a planet.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello everyone

I hope that everyone have a great first week of classes. I'm an art major, going into my third year at San  Jose State. This is the second time that I'm taking a class in the communication studies, the first class was public speaking. I never have never taken an online class at San Jose State before, so this is my first time in an online class at San Jose.

To give everyone a little information about me... as I have mention before that I'm an art major. I do love to draw and paint, I also enjoy swimming, reading, hanging out with family and friends, and many other things. I'm originally from Orange Country in Souther California, I have moved up here about 3 years ago when I started college. So, this is just a little information about me. :)