Friday, September 10, 2010

A Strong vs. Valid Argument

A valid argument is the an argument that when the premises are true the conclusion is true. However, it does not mean that a valid argument is a good argument or a strong argument. For example the argument can be; all cell phones are black, so your cell phone is black color. This is a valid argument because given that all the cellphones are made to be black color, than your cellphone have to be in black color too. It might not be a good argument because we all know that not all cellphones are black, but it is a valid argument.
A strong argument is different from valid argument. Strong argument is an argument that when the premises are true but the conclusion may be fault, but it is extremely unlikely to happen. For an example; all living organism that everyone I know has ever heard of or read about need oxygen to live. Therefore, all the living organism on this planet need oxygen to live. All the research that have done prove that this is true. However, there still is a possibility that there might be some kind of mutated organism that might not need oxygen, but the chances are extremely rare and unlikely to happen.       

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