Friday, October 22, 2010

The Usefulness of the assignments

Now that we are almost finish with assignment number 2, I realize that I have learn many things from these two assignments. The two assignments give me the opportunity to practice what I have learned in real life situation. First, everyone know about things that were asked in the assignment, but by putting in to practice we can see how it work. Even though the book give many examples, but looking at the real world situation is definitely different. For example, in the assignment number two, there is a part that we were asked to find the concealment claims that are used by our social organization. Even though, I know what concealment claim is but finding it is not as easy as one may think. I realize that there are more than one aspect to look at it. So, I think by doing the two assignments, it gives everyone the opportunity to really look at how these things are used in real life. We may not realized that these kinds of things are surrounded us everyday, just depend on how they are used.


  1. I really like the points you make in your post. First of all, I agree with you that the assignments help us to have better understanding how to apply what we learn in the text in real life situations. Secondly, it is totally true that we use the tools we learn in the text more often than we think we do. In fact, we make arguments everyday in real life without thinking that we are making arguments. For example, I can predict the weather like: when the sky is dark, there will be rain. Today the sky is dark. So it will be raining today. This simple talk of me is an argument. However, I would never think of it as an argument. I think it is very interesting how we always use arguments in daily life without realizing so.

  2. I agree with what you wrote about in your blog post. I think that it’s one thing to just read about the concepts we read about in the text book, and even write about them and discuss them in detail on our blogs. Even doing this, most people would just forget about all the concepts and ideas and everything they’ve learned right after they do an assignment. However doing this project really helps you get involved, and be more educated not only on the social organization that you picked as a group, but on the concepts from the book. Like you said, it gives us an opportunity to put it into practice in our everyday lives.
