Friday, November 19, 2010

Cause and Effect Website

The cause and effect website is useful and insightful. I really how it first introduce the concept of something and also explain what it is and how it wok. After that, the concept got break down into little section and give more details about each little part. Than an example is use. The example is common situation that everyone can imagine and understand. The situation than get break down to little parts and see how the situation fit into the specific topic. For example, in causal argument, the example is just a common accident between vehicles and motorcycle. Than the argument get break down to the "one significant similarity or difference." I think that the way the example got break down to certain part and explain, make it easy to understand and see how it work. After the example, there are exercise questions that people can answer. The questions allow people to come up with the answer and if the answer is wrong, than it will explain why it is wrong. So I think that the website is really helpful, it makes the concept really clear and easy to understand. 

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