Thursday, November 4, 2010

Appeal to Emotion

There are many kinds of appeal to the emotion. For example, there are appeal to pity, appealing to fear, appeal to spite, and appeal to vanity. The one appeal that stood out to me the most is appealing to fear. I think that this method of appeal get used so often by advertisers, marketers, and politicians. The appealing to fear is used to manipulate people by using fear as the main factor. For example, a commercial for a specific medication for women, might said that majority of women at certain age have this illness. The medication will help prevent this illness. That is an argument. The argument is that women should use that medication to prevent themselves from the illness. This commercial used the fear of people getting sick, and convince that women should take the medication to prevent the illness.
  I think that the appealing to fear is so interesting and intriguing at the same  time. Many of us might not realize that many things we buy or use are due to the use of appealing to fear by the advertisers or politicians. We install the security system into our home due to the fear that people might break in. So, I think appealing to fear is very important because it always surrounded us in our everyday life.

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