Saturday, November 20, 2010

Interesting concept in chapter 15

In chapter 15, cause and effect there are a lot of interesting concepts that happening in the chapter. Before I read this chapter, I always think that cause and effect is something that is really simple and basic. Something that happen, cause another think to happen, just like chain reaction. For example, the light is not working may cause by a power failure in the neighborhood. However, there are a lot more to it than that. The light not working, there are other possible causes, not just one. The idea of cause and effect say that one should consider all the possible causes and than eliminate them out one by one. The last one that is left, is the cause. I think that this concept is really interesting because before I only see cause and effect as something simple, chain of reaction. Now I realize that there are a lot more to this concept than just a chain reaction.

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